Things to know before opening the 2018 World Cup.
Things to know before opening the 2018 World Cup. "The World Cup 2018," which will start on June 14-July 15 in Russia, is set to rock the battle for the greatest football event in the world. For the World Cup, this is the 21st World Cup, with 32 teams joining. It comes from 5 Asian zones (Australia, Iran, Japan, Saudi Arabia). 3 teams (Costa Rica, Mexico and Panama), South America 5 teams (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay), 14 teams in Europe (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, England, France, Germany). , Iceland, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland) and five African teams (Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal and Tunisia) without the team name. In Lee, the Netherlands and Chile in any way. Before the World Cup began this time, there are interesting issues. Including tips to prepare before the 2018 World Cup will open up. Why "Russia" to host? For the World Cup is a sporting event that people around the world pay attention. And...